Thursday 8 October 2009

Mpomponieres or Favours for weddings in Greece

Hi all,

Following up on yesterday's post regarding Stefana, I have decided to showcase some of my favourite favours that I have come across over the last few weeks. Bobonieres are handed to guests after the ceremony is complete to thank guests for attending and for them to leave with a "sweet taste" in their mouth! The packages usually contain sugared almonds, although in the last few years we have seen a lot more options available, with flavours, chocolate, colours, sweets that look like pebbles (perfect for beach weddings)! The sweets must always be an uneven number, this symbolises that the couple cannot be divided and separated, usually couples choose to have 5 or 7 sugared almonds in their favours.


 From top left:,,,,

A thought to keep in mind when choosing your favours is that these can help donate to a charity, the Hamogelo tou Paidiou in Greece is an organisation dedicated to making the lives of abused children better, even if you're one of those couples that cares little about favours yet for some reason "has" to have them, consider sourcing them from a worthwhile source and helping this organisation with it's important humanitarian work!

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